Today’s guest post for Friendly Friday is by the one and only, Tymothy Longoria.
Not only is he a great writer, but he’s a great person as well. I seek out his posts on Facebook and Twitter every day, just because I know there will be words of faith and inspiration there, waiting to be shared with all. So without further adieu, take it away Tymothy!

The end is near. The end of the
year that is. Traditionally we make our list of resolutions; a list of hopes and wishes that we hope to accomplish in the new year. I’ve asked a few of my friends, writers, to share a few of theirs. After all…we are here to inspire, are we not?

As I head into 2012, so many things swim in my head, fighting to be first to touch their fingers to the wall. Many things I hope to be, to do, to accomplish. Every day I struggle to be a better parent. To listen more and understand the little minds lifting their chins to me looking for my guidance. I hope to be there in the right ways to help prepare my kids for what God has planned in their lives. I want to give more, love many, help all. I want to be everything I can to everyone in my life, but also to do it without losing myself. To that end, I write. I do it for me. To get out all that wants to burst from my head and to hold words in my hand that I wrote because I had to. If this is the year others hold those words in their hands, my feet may never touch the ground again. I hope for it, for all of it, and I resolve to try. Using all that is in me and digging for what I didn’t even know I had. I resolve not to quit on anything.  And I’d like to thank Tymothy Longoria in advance for being there to push me along in 2012, because I already know he will. ~Michele Shaw

New Years Resolutions. Write. Write, write, write. Write more. Write better. Because it’s through my creativity that I can be inspired. That I can inspire. For, isn’t that where it all begins?
–Allie Burke, Author of the Enchanted series

Hi There! Ok, so New Year’s Resolutions…for New Year’s I hope to write more and read more. I have always made time for writing, but tend to stray away from my goal of writing daily.  For 2012, I am planning on setting a more realistic goal of writing three or four days a week (1k a day). This allows me to spend time with my family without sacrificing my writing time.  I’m a realist in the sense that I don’t always have time to write while working full time, nor do I have the energy seven days a week to focus on writing, but I do NEED to write.  I don’t need to because of my goals, but more because I am a writer. That means getting the words out of my head.  In order to maintain some semblance of sanity, I NEED to write three or four days a week.  I also plan on reading more.  I have found that in the past I won’t allow myself to read while I write for fear of subliminal implications, but reading lets me retreat and gain perspective.  This leads me to my goal of reading at least two books a month.  Twenty-four books in the year is not much when you consider that I can read a book in a few days.  This retreat is exactly what I need to rejuvenate and gear up for more writing. I have found that resolutions need to be obtainable.  Setting goals that are unrealistic are not only self-defeating but also demoralizing.  They need to be within my own reach.   2012 is going to be a productive year.  I hope to finish the two WIPs I have started and eventually find an agent/editor who finds my work to be all that it is and more. I wish you all the best of luck in your writing and hope to see you all on the shelves.  Happy New Year!
Jamie Handling

Handling My Dream

My goals for 2012 are to try and focus on my physical health, and to have three novels submitted to publishers/literary agents by the year’s closing.
–Jeffrey Beesler, Ardent writer supporter and future published author, and my writing brother in arms.
Jeffrey Beesler’s Word Of the Scribe

Write harder. Sing louder. Love stronger, and allow God to do what He will do in my life. Be the husband, father, brother, son, and writer…He called me to be. In all things give thanks and remain faithful and joyful, and hold the fact that I am more than a conqueror, in the palm of my hand. This year has been one of the most amazing and still unbelievable years…honestly in a very long time. It is the year that I have written the most, had a few of my stories published in the online macabre magazine Underneath The Juniper Tree, and the year I found my agent, Bree Ogden. For the New Year, to reiterate, I will do. A cause fell into my hands so to speak just last night and I truly believe in it:


Hit up my blog as well as the others listed here anytime for inspiration, rants, musings and anything else we may conjure up. After all we are writers. ;}
–Tymothy Longoria

Aspire No More

Embrace hope in 2012. Embrace who you can be. If we never dream, then what? We are the fuel.


and happy, happy New Year!