I’m sore and slightly bruised around my midriff. My hips are stiff and ache when I stand. I have every desire to soak my tortured body in a nice hot-tub, letting the jets massage my back with bubbles while my mind drifts in relaxation. But I can’t.

Not while Big Momma’s waitin’ for me.


Say hello to Big Momma.
The little one is the size of a normal hoop like you’d buy from the store. Big Momma has water inside and is wrapped with tape to help with grip. She’s also heavier than your average hoop. Work with her for just a few minutes and you’ll feel the burn!

Big Momma and I collided yesterday at the park. She got the best of me at first. But by the end of the day, I had her swinging round and round like the blades of a ceiling fan on a hot day in Louisiana.

Yep, that’s right. I hula-hooped. And I’m gonna keep on hoopin’ every day for the next three weeks. Why? Because I’m completely insane determined to get in shape and be active.

You might remember a few months ago I wrote a guest post over at Ginger Calem’s blog. There I shared how my weight-gain had affected my life and how I wanted to change things.
Well, since then I’ve lost 11lbs, and I’m positive I would have lost more and felt even better if I had kept following the WritersButt challenges. Even though life does get in the way of our goals sometimes, I know it is ultimately up to me to continue making the time and the healthy choices.

I think part of the reason I fell back into some of my bad habits was because my goal – to lose weight and get active – wasn’t specific enough. Or rather it wasn’t suited to my strengths and weaknesses. See, I work best under pressure and when I’m held accountable for work under a deadline.

Knowing this about  myself, I had to figure out how to get myself motivated and disciplined to meet my goals. It wasn’t until I kept seeing my friend, Michelle’s pictures on Facebook that things really started to take shape.

Michelle Whitley is the owner of Hoop-Lah Fun & Fitness and she’s hoop-tastic! Just check out the videos on her website – that’s HER doing all that. Not only is she getting in some great exercise, she’s having a blast doing it! That’s the kind of thing I need to get me motivated. So I caught up with her at the park, where she showed me some basic moves. (And introduced me to Big Momma!)

By the time I got home, I had tons of energy and felt great. I showed my daughter and husband everything I learned. Even my granddaughter wanted to play with the hoops. I was in the best mood. And even better, the physical activity motivated my muse.

I decided right then and there that I was going to get back on track with my health. This time I had to have a goals and a deadline. And to keep me motivated, I’m adding hula-hooping to some WritersButt challenges. So every day for three entire weeks, I am going to drink 100 oz of water, hula-hoop for at least 30 minutes, do 10 Potty Squats and 10 Potty Push-ups every time I visit the bathroom.

Sounds easy right? Yeah, well my first run in with Big Momma proved that wrong. And drinking 100 oz of water a day is not an easy feat. Let’s not even talk about the squats and pushups. Whew!

This is going to be tough and it’s gonna hurt. But it is completely worth it. To feel the way I did yesterday, to smile and have so much fun… yeah it’s totally worth any amount of torture Big Momma spins my way.

Have you hula-hooped before? Would you do it again and how about in a class or group? I’d love to hear your adventures with hooping!