I’m sorry I’m late posting. While I was busy working on my WIP, Sunday quietly slipped out. Before I realized it, Monday had rushed in and clobbered me with tons to do. Yeah, not the best way to start the week but I’m still optimistic.

The day ain’t over yet so let’s get to it! My ROW80 update is gonna be quick because we all have lots to do and I, for one, am itching to get back to working on The Unnamed.

I’ve already completed several of the goals that I set for this round. I did finish the outline for Retribution and I wrote the two chapters I wanted on that one as well. After that, The Unnamed took over and that is what I’ve focused on for the last month or so. I wrote over 4000 this week on it, but I ran into a couple of small snags.

I found out that my Big Bad Troublemaker antagonist needs a little work. My critique partner is wonderfully helpful and gave me a few suggestions. So, I’ve made some notations and I’ll go back to fix them once the rough draft is completed.

The other one is that I’m a little confused about what genre this one will fall into. My WANA group has been totally helpful with giving their advice and knowledge on this topic. But unfortunately, until I figure out the genre, I might have issues with the word count. One possible genre is substantially less in word count than the other possibilities.

But never fear, I have a solution to this as well. I’m going to just write the draft and let it be however long it wants. Once its completed and I’ve revised and edited and revised some more, then I’ll figure out where it falls. No need to worry about things ahead of time – thanks to Fabio Bueno for that bit of wisdom!

Back to the goals. I’m exceeding my daily/weekly writing goals. I’m trying my best to read blogs and promote others daily, but I’d like to do more of this. I have an idea or two that will help in this area, so I’m working on that as well. I have created a list of blog topics and I’m creating a cache of posts to use. This is something I’ve been working on and I’m happy to say it’s coming along quite nicely.

I have not been reading one book a week. I was doing that for a while, but I laid off some to give me more time to write on the WIP. I am reading though, and just finished Prudence Macleod’s Immortal Tigress. (Read more about this novel on her blog and then go buy the book!)

Okay – so much for “quick” update. But hey, I’ve never been known as one of little words. So how was your week? Any areas in your life that you want to improve on or are exceeding at?