My legs are sore. So is my butt. I’ve drunk more water in the last week than I probably have in my entire life. I’ve turned into one of those people who compare nutritional values of items at the grocery store just to go stand in produce section and fill my arms full of vegetables. And that’s nothing compared to the time I spend in front of the citrus fruit picking through those round lovelies to find just the right one.

But you know what? I haven’t felt this great in months!

What changed? I decided to make fitness and health a priority in my life.

Last week on my friend Ginger Calem’s blog, I declared my intentions to do the WritersButt Challenge. (If you haven’t heard of WritersButt – you MUST go check our Ginger’s series. It is totally worth it!)

Seriously, I can already feel a difference. I know a huge part of it is the water. My husband has told me many times that I don’t drink enough of it and water is essential to a person’s body. It has a tons of benefits. Boy, was he right! Since I’ve been drinking up to 100 ounces a day, I’ve noticed that I’m eating less and I have a lot more energy.

Then comes the Potty Squats. I can feel the burn. Don’t believe me? You try doing 10-15 every time you go to the bathroom –Β  it adds up. And with all the water I’m drinking, I visit the bathroom more often – so that means more squats.

I’m also eating more protein for breakfast now. Omelets, scrambled eggs, eggs on whole wheat toast, oh yeah. Not only is it yummy, but its filling too. Plus it gives my body fuel to get my day started.

But I think the most amazing aspect of this whole challenge is the enormous amount of encouragement and support I’ve received. The comments on my post at Ginger’s blog made me cry and laugh all at the same time. I’ve never been on the recipient end of that kind of thing, and its humbling to know that so many people are cheering for me. If I could have reached through the internet, each one of you would have gotten a huge hug!

I’ve had several people tell me that my story inspired and motivated them. They, too, are paying more attention to their health and getting back to working out. My pal, Emmie Mears, had the great idea to support each other and share our daily accomplishments. We are all going to tweet about it using the hashtag #WANAfit. So come join us and share your health goals, advice, tips, and accomplishments. And don’t be scared to ask for help or support – that’s what we are here for. I have no doubt that together we can succeed in being more healthy and fit.

And don’t be shy here, either. I’d love to hear your own stories, workout challenges, goals, and tips. Share them in the comments with meΒ  – please!