Wow, its Sunday already. Where did my week go? Sigh, I feel so under-productive.

The last few days, my goals have been harder to meet. I met just about all the promotion and blog reading/commenting goals, but I’m barely making my daily word count. I think my problem is that I’m not on a regular routine. Between my husband’s odd work schedule and my puppy’s need for constant attention, I’ve tried to sneak in my goals and writing. I think I need to choose a specific time during the day to get these done.

Not to mention, I totally fell off the wagon Saturday. Not a single goal was achieved that day. Nothing. Nada. Zip. After a puppy play date at the pet park, the vet appointment, the shopping, and house-cleaning, my mind was completely blank. I’m pretty sure I had no cognitive functions left and was only capable of making babbling and gurgling noises. You’ll have to ask my hubby to be sure.

On the bright side, my fish are happy because their aquariums are clean and both the laundry and the dishes were washed. I tried to make up for the loss of word count yesterday and added about 200 extra words to my goal today. Not great but at least its something, and I get to wear clean clothes this week.

I am, however, excited about my WIP. I’ve made lots of progress on the outline and plotting. Who knew that a pantser could actually enjoy outlining? I’m hoping that with the time I allot to focus just on my writing and my goals, that meeting next week’s goals will be easier. I’ve got 73 days left and a whole lot of work to get done, but I’m not giving up. I’ll get there!