Behind the Quill with CC MacKenzie

I’m telling you right now, you are going to love today’s Behind the Quill author interview. Why? Because chatting with me today is the spunky and spitfire CC MacKenzie, author of Reckless Nights in Rome and A Stormy Spring. I’ve only known CC for a...

Behind the Quill with Davonne Burns

I have a great author interview for you today! Joining me in Behind the Quill is Davonne Burns, author of Sorrows Fall. When I read the first chapter of this novel on Davonne’s blog, I just had to have her as a guinea pig for my evil experiments to take over the...

Behind the Quill with Louise Behiel

It’s time for another author interview at Behind the Quill. This time we get to take a peek into the life of Louise Behiel, author of Family Ties. I met Louise through one of my online courses and was completely hooked on her blog posts dealing with family...

Behind the Quill with Toby Tate

I’m back with another Behind the Quill author interview. Today’s guest is the spectacular Toby Tate, author of Diablero. Many moons ago when I lived in North Carolina, I used to work with Toby at a local daily newspaper. Mind you, I wasn’t aware back...